Concerning Right View

By George A. Boyd ©2021

Q: What is right view in Buddhism?

A: We can approach Buddhism through several different perspectives:

  1. Intellect – This is the academic introduction to Buddhism that you might receive in a philosophy or comparative religion class. Here you learn about Buddhist ideas and reflect upon them, and you might compare and contrast them to ideas of other philosophers and ideas of other religions.
  2. Subtle Realm Buddhism – As the Soul Spark moves onto the Plane of the Subtle Self, it encounters the white lotus from which the mantra Om Mane Padme Hum resounds.
  3. Theological Buddhism – This incorporates the study of Buddhist scriptures. The Temple of Science on the Abstract Mind Plane is the abode where this knowledge can be accessed. This level of knowledge about Buddhism may incorporate linguistic, historical, or archeological, elements to explore the context in which the Buddhist teachings were given, and attempt to tease out the deeper meaning and implications of the canon. This is the scholarly approach to Buddhism.
  4. Mystery School Buddhism – Souls on the Second Ray travel through the Buddhist Mystery School, where they encounter the Dhyani Buddhas and learn moral principles to guide human life.
  5. Transplanetary Buddhism – When the Soul reunites with the Monad at the culmination of the Fifth Planetary Initiation, it gains understanding of the stages of the Buddhist Path—stream winner, once returning, and not returning—and realizes the state of the Adept (Arhat). This standpoint views Buddhism from the standpoint of the Adept, where the disciple gains freedom from the necessity to be reborn in the physical world.
  6. Classical Buddhist Pathwork – At the entrance to each of the eight Supracosmic Buddhist Paths, the Buddhist teachers of each lineage train the disciple to identify with the Supracosmic seed atom of their Path. They teach their disciples how to transform this essence along that Path through the mirror of the Cosmic Sphere, through the seven Supracosmic chakras, and ultimately merge this seed atom into its origin in the Supracosmic brain chakra.

If you go to a Buddhist teacher, he or she trains you to enter this perspective—this is the “right view” that Buddhist traditions teach—viewing the world, the mind, and consciousness from the state of union with their seed atom. Unfolding along these Supracosmic tracks are described in some Buddhist traditions as the Way of the Bodhisattva.

  1. Conscious Buddha Realization – When you unite the seed atom of the Supracosmic Path, you become one with the Great Void in which the Guru of that Path dwells. You discover the Buddhist Guru “beyond Creation.”

In several Buddhist traditions, they regard the attainment of this state as the assumption of Conscious Buddhahood.

In Zen Buddhism, they hint at this state in their koans, “Show me your face before you were born,” and “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”

For disciples to become a Guru in that tradition, (a) their Supracosmic Soul must dwell on that track and they must unfold it to beyond the origin of the Supracosmic seed atom, and (b) their Supracosmic Soul must receive the anointing and empowerment from the current Guru of that lineage.

  1. Universal Buddha Realization – When the Supracosmic Soul ascends beyond the Gurus that make up this Buddhist lineage, it beholds the chakra in the body of the Supracosmic Plane Lord from which this Path emanates—each Supracosmic Path is anchored in one of the chakras of this Supracosmic Plane Lord. At the next step in its journey, it beholds the mighty vortex that activates each of the eight Buddhist Paths. At this level, the Supracosmic Soul gains universal Buddha Realization.

  2. Mahaparinirvana – This is the stage of Liberation of the Supracosmic Soul. From the viewpoint of someone traversing the stages of a Buddhist Path, this is the ultimate horizon that can be conceived.
  3. Transcendental Sphere Recapitulation – The eight Buddhist Paths can be viewed within the cosmology of certain Transcendental Paths. They can be seen on the Causal Plane on T2; the first Mental Plane on T3; and the Mental Plane on T5.
  4. Realization of Infinite Consciousness – This realization occurs when you awaken as Satchitananda, the ensouling entity of T7. This is the core spiritual essence that is behind the emanation of each entity, each spirit, and each vehicle of consciousness—it is the force of the Alaya that radiates from Satchitananda that animates each active ensouling entity and spirit.

This is the state of the Eternal Buddha beyond Creation in the Avayakta Loka. Teachers on T7 refer to this state as Brahma Vidya or Divine Knowledge, and suggest that this is the true state of Conscious Buddhahood.

  1. Infinite Stage Realization – When Satchitananda returns upon the Path of T7 to its origin, it turns each level of the Superconscious into light. This is the stage of highest enlightenment. In the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation, we progressively liberate each ensouling entity and each spirit from the Subtle Realm to the top of the 7th Transcendental Path, so there is no more darkness in the mind. This stage is called Param Moksha Desh.

The Buddhist religion is reflected in perspectives one through five, but it offers initiation into one of the eight Buddhist paths at perspective six. If you went to be trained in one of these Buddhist schools, they would progressively train you to unite your attention with the Supracosmic seed atom of its Path. Next, they teach you methods to unfold that seed atom.

Along each Buddhist Path, as this seed atom unfolds, there are seven key stages of Realization:

  1. Union of the seed atom with the mirror of the Yogi Preceptor form – disciples who each this stage can function as teachers and initiators for that Buddhist Path.
  2. Union of the seed atom with the archetype of the Tree of Enlightenment – This stage occurs when seed atom reaches the mirror of the beginning of the Fourth Cosmic Initiation, and beholds the Avataric consciousness nucleus of identity awakening under the Cosmic Bodhi Tree. This marks the dawning of mystic esoteric knowledge, which reveals the mystery of the worlds of suffering, reformation, release, and Way showing [the four Noble Truths] in the Third Cosmic Initiation; the river of Samsara; the Wheel of the Law; and the state of Enlightenment. Unlike the intellectual study of these archetypes, wayfarers at this stage of Path become one with these mysteries beyond words.
  3. Union with the Buddha as Divine Consciousness – When disciples reach the mirror of God Consciousness in the Fifth Cosmic Initiation, they awaken as a “Conscious God.” This is the state on the Path where the disciple realizes the Transcendental Virtues and realizes the five Jhanas. This has been called Supreme Realization (Prajna Paramita).
  4. Encounter with the Buddha in the Cosmic Hierarchy – As disciples ascend into the mirror of the Cosmic Hierarchy, they behold the Buddha in his Eternal Form in the Cosmic Hierarchy. They behold his Great Renunciation, as he remains to serve all sentient beings as a member of the Hierarchy of Light.
  5. Entering the Supracosmic gate – after gaining union with the mirror of Brahma Jyoti at the top of the Cosmic Sphere, they enter into the gate of their Buddhist Path. Their seed atom enters the Path, rising through the seven Supracosmic chakras.
  6. Anointing and empowerment – when the Supracosmic seed atom ascends beyond the sixth Supracosmic chakra, disciples may be granted a form of Mastery, through which they can teach, guide, and initiate those sojourning through the lower stages of that Buddhist Path. Those who reach this level can take conscious reincarnation to serve all living beings.
  7. Lineage Holder – When the disciple’s Supracosmic Soul dwells on this Buddhist Path and drops the Supracosmic seed atom, the Supracosmic Soul rises to the seat of the Guru (Guru Padam). Those who reach this stage can be empowered to be a Lineage Holder and carry on the Path’s teachings. Beings such as the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa have attained this state in their respective lineages.

Those who do not have their Supracosmic Soul on this track, their Supracosmic seed atom drops into the Great Void at the brain chakra of this Path, and they enter this great emptiness that Buddhist lineages call Nirvana or Moksha.

Attainment of this right view of Buddhism is contingent upon aspirants being able to unite their attention with the seed atom of their chosen Buddhist Path. Once they fix their attention there and begin to unfold this seed atom, it becomes their new identity. As this unfoldment progresses, they detach and disidentify with the states of awareness of the Personal Band, the zone of the ego and the Self; the Soul Spark of the Subtle Realm; the Soul of the Planetary Realm; and the Monad of the Transplanetary Realm—and they become completely fused in the Supracosmic seed atom of that Path.

When these other personal identification center and ensouling entities of the realms below the entrance to the Supracosmic Path become submerged in this inner voidness of their Supracosmic Path, it appears that these other states of identification are only illusions of the mind. The doctrine of “no-Self” and “no Soul” found in Buddhist teachings appears to stem from this swallowing up of lower states of consciousness in the focal awareness of the Supracosmic seed atom as it unfolds.

The Dynamic Shifting of Perspective

In Mudrashram®, we point out aspirants can be trained to recognize a wide variety of spiritual essences as their focus of identification. In Buddhist teachings, the nucleus of identity on their Path—their Supracosmic seed atom—is the essence with which they learn to identify.

You can learn more about spiritual identification in some of our books:

We invite the interested reader to acquire these books for further study into this topic of spiritual identification.
In Mudrashram®, we teach that your attention can awaken your spiritual essences on all four Poles of Being, depending on where you focus it.

  • On Pole One, you place your attention on your ensouling entity.
  • On Pole Two, you contemplate your spiritual heart.
  • On Pole Three, you concentrate your attention on a nucleus of identity or seed atom of one of the vehicles of your Superconscious mind—meditation on the seed atoms of a Buddhist Path utilizes this type of attentional focus
  • On Pole Four, you unite your attention with your attentional principle

Through shifting your attention between these four Poles of Being, you can develop spiritually in a balanced, integral way. Those who are interested in learning this novel approach to meditation can study the foundations of this Integral meditation system in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

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