Seven Sources of Inspiration

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Those of you who are inspired have found something that gets your creative juices flowing. The challenge for people, who can’t seem to muster their imaginative genie, is to discover what that sparks this flow of energy and ideas that enables them to get into the flow of sustained inspiration. Here are seven different ways people tap into that inner wellspring:

  1. Passion – A surge of emotions from anger and outrage, grief, reunion with a loved one, falling in love, or experiencing joy can drive your creativity.
  2. Beauty – The beauty of Nature can connect you with your inner muse.
  3. A powerful idea – A compelling idea can trigger your reflection and commentary, either to interpret and extend the idea or to argue against it.
  4. Stream of consciousness – Getting into touch with the present time can enable you to capture your experience as it unfolds. Many poets and musicians tap into this inner stream.
  5. Investigation or inquiry – Doing scholarly research on a topic that interests you, or investigating a mystery, can light your inner lamp of insight and invention.
  6. Revelation or channeling – Tapping into the power centers of the Superconscious mind through deep meditation can open the channels of intuition from the spiritual realms. For example, you might receive guidance from the Holy Spirit, one of your spiritual guides, or an Ascended Master in this inner downpour of revelation.
  7. Expression of your Soul Purpose – Those of you who have opened your connection to the Soul receive guidance and direction to carry out your Soul’s purpose. You can express this in a number of arenas of life, as you receive clear instruction as to what you need to do.

If you know what fires you up inside—strong emotion, being in Nature, an idea that moves you, the flow of the present time, searching for truth and meaning, or connecting with your higher mind or your Soul—you can tap into this energy to fuel your creativity and productivity. Once you can tap into this energy, you need to find how you best express it.

You can discover your “creative voice” through dabbling in different forms of artistic expression and different types of writing. Artistic media you might try include painting, drawing, sculpting with clay, computer graphics, music, or dance. You can experiment with different writing styles as well: scientific journal format, essay, short story, novel, or poetry.

If something stirs you up inside—even if you are not creative today—you can bring out your inner source of creativity. It might take some effort and time to hone your ability in your chosen avenue of expression, but when you can reach the level of proficiency to give a voice to your inner genius, you will clearly your articulate your inspiration and share your gift with us all.

Those of you who are interested in enhancing your creativity using meditation will benefit from taking our mini-course, “On Creativity.” If you have not previously taken any classes or webinars with us, the link to sign up for this course is on the Public Webinar Access page.

If you do not already have a dashboard account—you get this by signing up for a course or webinar and paying for it—go to the Public Webinar Access page, open the tab for Public Webinars, click the sign up link. You will then register for an account. You purchase the entire course—or just individual webinars in that series, if you wish. Then you’ll sign in to your account. The webinar you purchased will show up in your dashboard under the “My webinars” menu. You select Public on the drop down, and there it is.

If you already do have an account, you can purchase it right in your dashboard under the “Purchase Webinars” menu. Once you buy it, it will show up in you under your “My Webinars” menu. Just open the “My Webinars” menu, select Public, and there it is.

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