The Gentle Meandering Away from Truth

By George A. Boyd ©2023

In conspiracy theories, there is a detachment from consensual reality and absorption in deeper strata of belief and perception. These deeper levels of mental processing are subject to distortion and delusional belief.

The challenge for those attempting to navigate the illusions of the collective mind to determine reality and truth encounter seven major mental postures. These are:

  1. Recognition of objects in the environment and correctly labeling them, measuring them, and verifying their existence; this establishes facts and consensual reality.
  2. Speculation about causation and motivation using deduction and inference; researchers, journalists, investigators, and psychologists tap this level.
  3. Believing in things other people have told you or communicated to you without verifying the information you have received is correct; this is the first level subject to the distortion of conspiracy theories and others lying to you and exploiting you.
  4. Believing revelations and interpretations you receive from your own contemplation or that you receive from psychic readers or religious clergy; this level is subject to the distortion that comes from you overvaluing ideas or misinterpretation of the content you uncover or that is communicated to you; those who disseminate conspiracy theories often draw from these sources.
  5. Believing in signs, omens, and coincidences for guidance; the issue here is that you are not certain which of these presentations are genuinely guidance from your Soul and which are simply random signals; those that present distorted information from levels three and four with conviction and enthusiasm can readily persuade those who operate in this frame of inner guidance to adopt their beliefs.
  6. Receiving guidance from a spiritual entity other than your own Soul through channeling or automatic writing; the quality of this guidance you receive depends on whom you are channeling—you can receive very valuable and reliable information from this source, or you can obtain spurious and useless information. Some look for Gurus at this level to provide answers and show them how to realize their true nature.
  7. Gaining union with your Soul and having it reveal its true nature; this is union with your inner source of wisdom and discernment; this is the touchstone of inner truth and realization.

Not all of these postures of mental processing lead you down rabbit holes:

Postures one and seven form the bedrock of reality and truth. You can verify consensual reality through your senses and reason; you can gain conscious union with your Soul and tap into its direct intuitive stream.

Posture two, if performed with careful safeguards in place against bias can be a valuable tool to arrive at valid conclusions and correct inferences—without validation, however, these can lead astray well-meaning detectives, researchers, and clinicians.

The zone that generates delusion and the strange beliefs of conspiracy theories spans postures three to six.

Posture three is the most common entry point for those who embrace conspiracy theories: because they cannot or do not verify the information they receive, they unwittingly adopt false beliefs.

Posture four is often the source of many of the distorted beliefs that underpin conspiracy theories: someone has had a revelation… someone has attempted to read meaning into a cryptic scriptural passage or an arcane, symbolic manuscript… someone has interpreted an event in an ominous or apocalyptic way. Those that operate at this level still think, although their thinking process may be corrupted.

Posture five begins to operate when someone has set aside thinking and analysis, and instead embraces intuition as their source of truth. This is a highly experiential, serendipitous frame of mind that seeks to discover truth. Divinatory arts like tarot, angel cards, and I Ching tap into this intuitive matrix. This posture leads to a mindset that views the unitive nature of the universe, the connections between all things, and a sense that there is a deeper reality behind the observable physical universe. At this level, one “creates” through intention and visualization; events occur synchronistically.

Posture six typically dawns when someone seeks guidance from a wise and highly evolved spiritual being: this often takes the form of a search for a spiritual mentor or Guru. If someone selects an ethical, genuinely realized teacher for this stage of their aspirant journey, they can receive teachings that help them advance both in their personal life and their spiritual development.

Choosing wrongly can lead to involvement with spiritual cults and enslavement and abuse at the hands of authoritarian and paranoid spiritual leaders. Some alternately draw their information and inspiration from guides they encounter in the inner Planes; like flesh and blood Gurus, these sources can be legitimately helpful or they can lead people into greater delusion.

It is possible to avoid slipping into the traps of postures three to six:

In Mudrashram®, in our intermediate classes—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—we teach our students how to tune into posture seven to directly know and commune with their essential nature and skip over the pitfalls of postures three to six.

You can have greater success with posture two, if you learn critical thinking and obtain an education that emphasizes careful intellectual inquiry and analysis.

We encourage you to identify in what ways you operate in each of seven postures, and to progressively learn to uncover and eliminate the false beliefs you may have adopted in listening to the siren voices of the Astral and the misinformation coming from those who seek to exploit you and manipulate you for their own agendas.

Moving from Self to Soul

Moving from Self-Polarization to Soul Awareness

By George A. Boyd © 2022

Q: I’ve been able to experience my Self and I have a reasonably good grasp of functioning from this level, but I am having difficulty lifting up into Soul awareness. How do I make this next step?

A: First, you have to engage the connection of the Self with the Soul through the inner portals:

  1. You shift from using your will to get things done to the passive reception of guidance for action from the Soul, using reflective or receptive forms of meditation.
  2. You move from empathic and caring engagement with other people via inner withdrawal. You invoke the Soul’s unconditional love, and receive that love as an emotional healing Attunement.
  3. You change from applying your intellect to solve problems to establish a dialog with the Soul and listen to the downpour of its intuitive wisdom.
  4. You transfer the focus of your attention from union with the Voidness of Being with heightened aliveness of your senses to union with the Soul through Pratyahara and Laya, riding up the inner sensory channels into the presence of the Soul.
  5. You transition from active learning, study, and remembering information to contemplation of the vehicles of consciousness of the personality and the Superconscious mind, up to the presence of the Soul.
  6. You lift out of the mode of personal discipline, conscientiousness, living up to your values and striving to live with integrity to remembrance of the Soul and God, using prayer, chanting, and worship. In this passive mode you invite in the gifts of the Soul or the anointing of the Holy Spirit to express through you.
  7. You change over from the mode of enacting your dreams and goals to turning off the vehicles of the personality and the Superconscious mind and awakening the Kundalini Shakti into the presence of the Soul and entering Samadhi.

Aligning with the Soul and expressing it appears to pass through several steps. Some people will move through these steps progressively, one-after-another; others will be drawn to specific steps and directly begin to function from this level.

These steps are:

  1. You maintain receptivity and openness to spiritual experiences. A series of coincidences, signs, or serendipitous encounters guide you to explore choices that you would not have considered when you operated in rational and linear context of the Self.
  2. The still small voice or voice of intuition gives you clear guidance for action. It may also warn you against taking certain actions.
  3. You begin to travel as your attentional principle with attention conjoined into the Subtle Realm beyond the Self. Here you behold the archetypes and myths of this realm.
  4. You engage with the vehicles of consciousness of the Probationary Path—the Biophysical Universe, the Abstract Mind Plane, the Psychic Realm, and the Wisdom Plane—and express the Soul’s abilities and wisdom from these levels of the Superconscious mind.
  5. You interface with your Moon Soul nucleus of identity and commune with the Father God, the Christ, the saints, and the Holy Spirit. You may use prayer and supplication to direct the Light of the Holy Spirit to heal and minister to your own needs and the needs of others.
  6. You gain union with the Mighty I AM Presence and speak the Word of Power as a decree. You use this power within you to change negative conditions into positive ones, and to effect personal transformation and character reformation.
  7. You connect with your Manasic Vortex center and you get direct guidance from your Soul, your Monad, your Supervising Initiate, and you have direct prehension of the Soul’s purpose.
  8. You gain union with the Soul in its essential nature. You witness it expressing its abilities in the Superconscious mind and channeling its love, wisdom, and ability through your personality.

Direct meditation on your Manasic Vortex center, your Crown of Purpose [if you have one], and your Soul’s essential vehicle will speed the rate of integration of the Soul’s experience and expression. We teach methods to meditate directly upon the Soul in our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

Roberto Assagioli, an Italian psychotherapist, referred to this opening of awareness to encompass the Soul and to allow its expression, as spiritual Psychosynthesis. To promote this higher order integration, you need to cultivate conscious communion with the Soul, until it clearly emerges and begins to overshadow the personality, and guide it to carry out the Soul’s purpose—and make the personality into an instrument for the Soul’s creativity and gifts.