What is Focal Awareness?

By George A. Boyd © 2021

Focal awareness means your attention is fully focused upon an immortal essence of consciousness—attentional principle, spirit, or ensouling entity. Seven stages mark the attainment of focal awareness:

  1. Nescience – you don’t know the essence exists and you don’t know what and where it is
  2. Conceptual knowledge – you learn about the essence, so you know it exists, but you don’t know what and where it is
  3. Map – you are given a description of the place you find the essence, but you are unable to go there and merge with it.
  4. Remembrance – you locate the essence along the thread of consciousness and you acquire it as a meditation target.
  5. Traveling to it – you move your attention along the thread of consciousness until you come into its presence and you mentally touch it and feel it
  6. Union – you use micro concentration to merge into the essence at its brain center and look out from its perspective
  7. Fusion – you become one with the essence so observer and observed become one. You are the attentional principle, spirit, or ensouling entity and experience what it experiences.

How do you learn focal awareness?

To gain focal awareness, you need to enter stages six and seven.

You achieve stages two and three by reading our articles and books.

In our intermediate meditation classes—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program—you learn to remember the essence and move your attention into its presence, which enable you to reach stages four and five.

In our advanced meditation class, the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation, you learn about the fine points of gaining union and fusion, which help you experience stages six and seven.

Focal awareness is key to:

  1. Having a depth experience of meditation
  2. Seeing and hearing within
  3. Traveling the Path in full consciousness
  4. Having conscious communion with your guide and Supervising Initiate
  5. Being able to contemplate and study your essences of consciousness, your vehicles of consciousness, and the bands of the Continuum
  6. Consciously carrying out Attunements and spiritual ministry
  7. Performing the work of transformation and experiencing the downpour, feeling your ensouling entity and its vehicles unfold, and sensing your spirit opening the channels of the Nada

If you are having difficulty achieving focal awareness, you may want to schedule a meditation consultation to learn ways to overcome your difficulties identifying and traveling to these spiritual essences, so you can shift into union and fusion. We stand ready to assist you reclaim this core meditation proficiency that will allow you to move into your next level of spiritual experience.

If you don’t know how to reach these spiritual essences and you have never taken our classes where we show you how to focus on them, we recommend that you sign up for the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program. If you are not sure whether that is right for you or not, schedule a spiritual discovery session with us.

Zones of Concentration

By George A. Boyd © 2021

Q: Can you explain the role of concentration in spiritual life?

A: Concentration means that you shrink the focus of your attention and hold it on an object. There are several levels at which you can apply concentration:

  1. Schema – this is a category in which you access stored knowledge about a particular topic. You use this in study and academic education. You might, for example, focus on the schema where you have learned rules for grammar. You would learn the new material about this subject and remember it in the frame of the schema, associating it to your current knowledge.
  2. Matrix of experience – You access this level when you ask your deeper mind questions and listen for the answers. You might ask for a particular incident (process meditation), a specific fact (mnemonic recall), how you feel about something (emotional inquiry), what something means (cognitive inquiry), what your options and choices are (personal inquiry), or ask for information about spiritual topics (metaphysical inquiry). You concentrate in this band when you are doing personal process, inner dialog, or psychotherapy.
  3. Reflection – You access this level when you think deeply about something and you want to solve a problem. This accesses your intellect, whereby you apply your intelligence to explore ideas and to solve problems. Those who are writers, scientists, and philosophers tap into this level of concentration.
  4. Archetypes and arrays – You access this level when you interface with elements in your Superconscious mind. You might encounter an archetype and reflect on the meaning of the form you see. You might explore the meaning of a myth or wisdom story. You might contemplate the meaning of a scripture. You might associate symbols in an array to do an intuitive reading. Theologians, metaphysical counselors, psychic readers, and transpersonal psychologists interface with this level.
  5. Nucleus of identity – You access this level when you focus your attention on one of the integration centers of your Superconscious mind. These centers include, for example, the Star Seed on the Psychic Realm, the Moon Soul in the First Planetary Initiation, Cosmic Consciousness in the First Cosmic Initiation, or the Supracosmic Seed Atom on a Supracosmic Path. Those following a religious or spiritual group focus at this level.
  6. Attentional principle – Focusing your attention at this level awakens your intentional consciousness. Once you can function at this level readily, you can perform inner work on your personality and in your Superconscious mind.
  7. Individual spirit – Focusing your attention at this level awakens the love and devotion of your spirit. Once you can readily focus your attention at this level, you can participate in opening the channels of the Nada through which your spirit returns to its origin.
  8. Ensouling entity – Focusing your attention at this level awakens the Soul. This brings about the experience of Samadhi and Gnosis. This conveys the Realization of the Inner Divinity within the Soul, and aligns you with the Soul’s Path of spiritual evolution.

Direct spiritual experience is contingent upon your ability to concentrate upon the spiritual essences at levels five through eight. We teach you how to tap levels 6, 7, and 8 in our intermediate meditation courses—the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. We teach contemplation of nuclei of identity, level 5, in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Developing facility with levels one and two is important for successful learning and adult functioning. Those who are thinkers and who are able to access the creative and intuitive channels of their mind learn to tap into levels three and four.

We encourage you to become familiar with each of these levels of concentration, and learn how to use these attentional foci skillfully and efficiently to bring success in your life and to awaken to your full spiritual potentials.