What is the Axis of Being 2

By George A. Boyd ©2009

The Axis of Being is the vertical path from the wheel of time center below the waking state of consciousness, through the Swastika Center in the system of Chakras in the Subconscious mind, through each level of the mind up to the quintessence mantra (Alayic Divine Name) upon the Lotus Feet Center, which can be found on the Bridge Path in the Transcendental Sphere.

The Axis of Being passes through each Octave of Being from Subtle, to Planetary, to Transplanetary, to Cosmic, to Supracosmic, and up through the Transcendental to Satchitananda.

When the Light of Spirit descends, it follows the track of the Axis of Being.

The Spirit tunes each ensouling entity, nucleus of identity and vehicle of consciousness that is aligned with this axis to a new state of being.

The Axis of Being is briefly described in the table below.

Octave of Being Active Nodes upon the Axis of Being Activity of the Spirit
Transcendental Lotus Feet Center Vortex of the Spirit on the Bridge Path and seat of the Quintessence Mantra
Satchitananda Ensouling entity of T7 – focalizes the Alaya in Creation
Aligned Transcendental Sphere ensouling entity
(Soul of the Bridge Path, or ensouling entity of T1 to T7)
The Light unfolds this ensouling entity and its associated centers to a new nodal point in exact synchrony with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality
Supracosmic The Supracosmic Soul, its seven chakras, and the Supracosmic seed atom of the Path on which the Supracosmic Soul dwells The Light unfolds this ensouling entity and its associated centers to a new nodal point in exact synchrony with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality
Cosmic The Astral Soul, its 16 centers, its seven vehicles of consciousness and its associated nucleus of identity for its station on the Path The Light unfolds this ensouling entity and its associated centers to a new nodal point in exact synchrony with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality
Transplanetary The Monad and its seven chakras The Light unfolds this ensouling entity and its associated centers to a new nodal point in exact synchrony with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality
Planetary The Planetary Soul, its seven vehicles of consciousness and the associated nucleus of identity for its station on the Path The Light unfolds this ensouling entity and its associated centers to a new nodal point in exact synchrony with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality
Subtle The Soul Spark, its twelve centers and nine vehicles The Light unfolds this ensouling entity and its associated centers to a new nodal point in exact synchrony with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality
Personal The Etheric Seed Atom in the Etheric Vehicle of the Metaconscious mind The Light unfolds these centers to a new nodal point in exact synchrony with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality
The atom of the Swastika Center of the Subconscious mind
The egoic seed atom of the Conscious mind
The physical seed atom of the Conscious mind
The wheel of time center below the state of waking awareness in the Conscious mind

Spiritual unfoldment that aligns with this Axis of Being brings balanced development.

Transformation that does not adhere to this alignment produces unbalanced spiritual development.

The Cutting Edge of Spirituality refers to the node on this Axis of Being that is currently activated and animated by the Alaya.

Centers below this node are within the zone of control of the ensouling entity that dwells on this cutting edge.

Centers above it are outside of its control, but unfold in synchrony with its current stage of development to a corresponding nodal point.

These higher octaves aligned along the axis of being unfold in this manner:

  • One of the eight Transcendental Sphere entities is aligned with the Cutting Edge of Spirituality, and unfolds along with it.
  • The Supracosmic Soul transforms upon the Supracosmic Path in which it dwells to this same degree.
  • The Astral Soul travels upon its Path back to its Source in the Brahma Jyoti, in attunement with one of the Seven Rays that operate in the Cosmic Sphere, in perfect synchrony.
  • The Monad’s Jet of Spirit within Creation [at the center above the Soul] moves closer to the Monad with each successive Initiation taken by the Soul Spark or Soul, until the Soul has re-united with the Monad.

Disciples will benefit from carefully studying the Axis of Being.

They should aim to trace the descent of the Light during the downpour stage, when repetitions of the Alayic Divine Name have successfully focalized the burning Ray of the Spirit to dissolve all karma between two successive nodal points on the Path.

Exact knowledge of this Axis of Being and the ability to attune others with it is required to become an Initiator in the Mudrashram® lineage.

Those who become teachers are trained in this art; they must become adept in its practice before they can hold the Scepter of Initiation that bestows the Grace-Bestowing Power.