What Spurs Growth?

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Q: What is it that spurs personal growth? Why is it that some people seem to stay where they are in their lives, while others seem to dramatically change, try new things, and reinvent themselves?

A: There seem to be a variety of characteristics that promote change and reinvention. Here are some of them:

  1. You are on fire to change. You are unwilling to accept the status quo any longer.
  2. You have a realization of a vital truth. You can no longer keep doing things the same way after you have had this insight.

  3. You have a clear vision of what you want and a plan to reach it. You believe your plan is doable and achievable. You take constructive action to begin to enact your plan.
  4. You see yourself in your core as perfect and whole. You note a shadow over this vision of yourself—you begin to consciously hold your attention on that darkness to begin to dissolve it and break it up, so your innate perfection can emerge and shine through.
  5. You identify specific issues that hinder or sabotage your path to success and achieving what you want. You process those issues to completion, and you re-choose and re-create a new way of thinking, believing, and acting that yield better results.
  6. You have absolute faith, courage, and conviction. You make a resolute decision that what you want shall be made manifest.
  7. You sense that you are organically growing and developing into a pre-formed pattern that is within you. You feel that you are moving inexorably into this next step of your personal growth.

If you sense this undercurrent of growth within you—in whichever of these forms it takes—open yourself to it, and let it begin to change you. Your fear and your clinging to what is safe will resist this transformation, but if you stop fighting it, you will move into your next step of growth—you will do things that you cannot now believe are possible for you and achieve things that you thought were unattainable. When the inner forces of personal growth summon you, embrace them.