Steps of Awakening

By George A. Boyd © 2022

Q: Is there a pattern of awakening that most people follow? It seems many people are now embracing mindfulness, but are there deeper experiences possible?

A: Mindfulness is the first step on a ladder of deeper insights and inner discoveries. As the Soul evolves, you may see a typical pattern of progressive awakening of inner faculties:

  1. Mindfulness – awaken as your attention in the present time, and monitor your experience
  2. Opening the third eye – unite attention with the attentional principle and activate this immortal essence to see within and use its power of intention
  3. Self-awareness – unite attention with your Self, and take charge of your life
  4. Wave of the present time – Become aware of the Soul’s thought and intention entering your human life in the present time
  5. Seed atom of your Psychic vehicle – Become aware of your psychic abilities and connect with guides and angels
  6. The loving Christ consciousness – Guide your life according to wisdom and moral principles, cultivate virtue, and regard others with love and compassion
  7. The creator consciousness – Activate your Mighty I AM Presence to create and manifest in your life and to dissolve unwanted conditions
  8. Servant of humanity – Activate your Manasic Vortex and become the instrument of your Soul, your Monad, and connect with the Masters of the Hierarchy of Light
  9. Illumination – Activate your Illumined Mind and inspire and uplift others
  10. Realization – Realize your Soul and enact its purpose

The awakening of these levels is coordinated with the Soul’s development. For example:

  • Step six is associated with taking the First Planetary Initiation; step seven, the Second Initiation; step eight, the Third Initiation; step nine, the Fourth Initiation; and step ten, the Fifth Initiation.
  • Those sojourning through the Psychic Realm activate steps four and five.
  • Psychotherapy and Coaching seek to enable others to function from the Self at step three.
  • Steps one and two are the foundation of meditation. At step one, you become aware of your inner life; at step two, you gain the facility to work on yourself.

If you are ready to awaken your Soul’s potentials and bring forward the expression of your Soul’s purpose in life, it is important that you learn to meditate. If you are considering learning to meditate, but aren’t sure where to begin, invite you to schedule complimentary spiritual discovery session with me to identify appropriate meditations for you, learn what you need to do to overcome any obstacles you are facing in meditation, and be clear about your next steps in meditation.

Contact us at and we will set up an appointment for your session.

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