Use of Transformational Mantra

By George A. Boyd ©2003

The principle underlying magical rites and ritual invocation is the skillful use of the transformational, or bija mantra.

Meditation students who take the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the Accelerated Meditation Program are introduced to bija mantra as a method to unfold spiritual evolutionary potentials. Lesser known is the targeted use of bija mantra to work out specific karmic issues.

This targeted use of bija mantra is shown in the table below, comparing it to other modalities that affect a range of changes in human beings.

Modality Treats
Medication or Nutrition The biological substrate [by interacting with cellular receptor sites and biochemical pathways]
Acupuncture Etheric blockages [by opening the channels of the meridians or nadis]
Psychotherapy The emotional and experiential matrix of an identified problem
Counseling and Education Inability to function effectively [by building the individual’s response and resource network and by giving him or her knowledge of potential solutions. Education may give the individual the knowledge and skills to needed achieve his or her goals].
Prayer and Affirmation The lack of perceived personal efficacy [by invocation of spiritual and Superconscious agencies, creating new patterns in the subconscious and Superconscious mind]
Reflective Meditation and Discernment Ignorance (Avidya) arising from lack of knowledge of the nature of the Soul
Transformational Mantra The karmic substrate underlying the condition
Formulation of Therapeutic Transformational Mantra

Transformational mantras can operate both with the seed atom of vehicles and with the karmic accretion stemming from a karmic seed. While the formulation of these mantras is beyond the scope of this short article, the reader will be given some general information about their derivation and use.

These mantras follow general formulas of:

  • OM – to concentrate the attention.
  • Seed mantras invoking a god or goddess or one of the chakras
  • Quality word (a desired quality to replace the negative one)
  • Directional word (directing the effect of the mantra forward or backward on one of three-dimensional axes).

These elements each play a role in constructing the mantra.

OM focuses the mind stuff. The mantra is repeated with the "tongue of thought" and is a conscious remembrance. With each repetition of the entire mantramic phrase, the Light or Shakti is released and a measured portion of the karmic accretion representing the issue is dissolved.

The classical bija mantras invoke the seed sounds of the chakras or the gods and goddesses of the Inner Planes.

Invoking the seed sounds of the chakras are used to release innate abilities and powers.

Invocation of a god or goddess by their mantra releases the essential quality and Grace of that deity, and imbues the mind with that energy. For example, invocation of Lakshmi as the goddess of wealth brings forth the qualities of prosperity, abundance, and optimism into the meditator’s awareness.

In certain cases, an additional word or phrase may be added to the mantramic formula to emphasize a quality. For example, a person experiencing fear may be given a mantra that invokes Lord Narasimha (the Lion-Man form of Vishnu), together with a phrase that emphasizes courage and fearlessness.

Directional Axis of Transformational Mantra

The directional axes can be described as:

X, left Opening channel of the left side (ida), burning stored karma layered in the personal unconscious.
X, right Opening channel of the right side (pingala), liberating powers or abilities of the Superconscious mind.
Y, up Opening higher centers or vehicles beyond the current state of stable consciousness. These are typically used to transform specific vehicles, open chakras or uplift nuclei of identity.
Y, down Opening blocked lower centers or vehicles below the current state of stable consciousness. These are used to overcome sins that darkened and split off aspects of unconsciousness.
Z, forward Creates or manifests a desired condition in the future. This is the directional invocation of creation or manifestation.
Z, backward Dissolves and works out a karmic influence of the past impacting the present. Used to overcome traumas, past poor decisions or false beliefs.
Bija Mantras of the First Cosmic Initiation

There are four types of bija mantras that operate in the First Cosmic Initiation. These are:

(1) Mantras associated with the developmental cycles of life that are based on age. These invoke the gods and goddesses of the first Subplane of the Cosmic Causal Plane of the First Cosmic Initiation.

(2) Mantras associated with the activation of specific spiritual powers (siddhis). The mantras here are of two types, suggestive and essential.

  • Suggestive mantras consist of the repetition of a short phrase that may temporarily stimulate the vortex of the spiritual power. They may awaken it for a brief period, but it fades away after meditation is over.
  • Essential bija mantras that activate these powers are accessible to the Cosmic Consciousness when it rises up to the second Subplane of the Cosmic Causal Plane of the First Cosmic Initiation. They are animated by the Cosmic octave of will innate to Cosmic Consciousness, and once attained, are permanent in duration.
  • Cosmic Consciousness has the ability to open the portals of access to these powers when it reaches this stage. They can be expressed in three ways: channeled through the Conscious mind as a gift, made available through the Subconscious mind by suggestion in the trance state, or commanded by the intention of the attentional principle. Cosmic Consciousness may also elect to block access to these powers.

(3) Mantras associated with a particular vehicle. These are part and parcel of the Cosmic Causal body, and are become activated as the Cosmic Consciousness traverses Subplanes three through seven of the Cosmic Causal Plane of the First Cosmic Initiation. These powers are seen to arise from the AUM vibration at the top of the Cosmic Causal Plane. They open the channel between Cosmic Consciousness and lower vehicles, and impart mastery of those vehicles from this vantage point.

These mantras allow Cosmic Consciousness to unfold any vehicle, and in fact, to liberate it by dropping its seed atom into its origin.

(4) The Supracosmic Divine Name - mantras that unfold the essential seed of a Supracosmic Path and ultimately unite it with the Supracosmic Soul.

Type four bija mantras at this locale are doorways for development into the Supracosmic Sphere. The Supracosmic Divine Name may be unfolded on various Supracosmic Paths by:

  1. intention, directed thought from the attentional principle (japa)
  2. remembrance or contemplation by the attention (simran or zhikir)
  3. translation by the Light of the Guru (Guru Kripa or Shaktipat)
  4. working out of the karmas existing behind the essential seed in the unconscious field of the mind, which is called the tantric method
  5. verbal chanting (sankirtan)
  6. passive awakening as a result of the opening of the Nadamic path by the spirit
  7. passive awakening as a byproduct of the awakening of the ensouling entity during initiation
  8. passive awakening due to the rising of the kundalini shakti

Methods 1, 2, and 5 are active forms of awakening the Supracosmic Divine Name; methods 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are passive or receptive means of awakening the Supracosmic Divine Name.

Type One Bija Mantras

Bija mantras of type I are geared toward the maturation of faculties of the personality.

These mantras are liked with age appropriate learning, attraction of a life mate, achievement of career success and wealth to support a family, transmission of values and wisdom to the children, and integration of the experiences of life.

The following list of 18 type one mantras was originally gathered from the Internet in 1998 at:

Note: The original page appears to have now been taken down: we ask our readers to see if they can find a replacement page and please let us know, so we can update this link.

This list purports to be the actual mantras that are revealed by one of the Supracosmic lineages that uses type one bija mantras. It lists these mantras together with their associated deities. The discussion of life stage is our own added commentary to this material.

eng, em, enga, ema, aing, aim, ainga, aima Saraswati, [goddess of learning. music, speech and fine arts] Academic preparation from kindergarten to college, typically given for ages 5 to 24
shiring, shirim Mahalakshmi or Lakshmi, [goddess of wealth] Career development, gaining wealth to support a family, typically given for ages 18 to 32, when an individual is working
hring, hirim Bhuvaneswari, or Mahamaya [goddess of wisdom] Parenting, transmission of values and wisdom to the next generation, typically given to parents, ages 25 to 40
kiring, kirim Kalika [goddess of fulfillment of desires, destroyer of obstacles] Integration of the experiences of life, fulfillment of remaining personal aspirations and desires, given for middle age and above when the children are grown, as early as age 40
shyam, shyama Krishna [the god of love, the all-attractive one] Attraction of a life mate, may be typically given at any age from 18 to 36, when issues of loneliness or being single are paramount for the individual
ram, shri ram Agni [the god of fire] Personal mastery and overcoming obstacles in career or life, given as an alternate mantra for the same age groups as Shiring or Shrim when the individual is seeking achievement and success in their career as their primary objective; this mantra is associated with the achievement of leadership and personal power
Using Mantras Correctly

Long study of the Sanskrit language, reading of Vedic and Puranic scriptures, and memorization of a variety of classical ritual mantras are required before one can correctly use transformational mantras to address specific conditions in a therapeutic capacity.

For more information about the varieties and uses of these mantras, please see the following articles on Open Stacks and in our Library:

How Mantras Work (In our Library)

Uses of Mantra (Open Stacks)

Differences between Types of Mantras (In our Library)

On Bija Mantra (In our Library)

Finding Genuine Therapeutic Mantras

Some of the popular mantramic formulae alleged to be beneficial for therapeutic purposes may be based on superstitious and fanciful claims.

However, many of these formulae were originally derived from authentic and effective mantras that were subsequently corrupted by mispronunciation and/or leaving out or changing parts of the phrase.

These mantramic formulae may be found in the Vedic Indian traditions anchored on the Subtle Plane, used in temple worship. Use of powerful seed mantras can be likewise encountered in the Lower Astral mystery schools, the First Cosmic Initiation, and in Paths of the Supracosmic Sphere.

The properly derived and correctly pronounced bija mantra targeted for a specific karmic issue can have a therapeutic and life-transforming effect. We caution aspirants, however, to look for the long-term results of this practice.

While this practice should yield dissolution of karma behind a vehicle or along a particular track through the unconscious mind and/or a temporary positive change in fortune, we ask you to look at the persistence of the effect. We invite you to examine our article Thoughts on Transformation to gain a clearer understanding of transformation.

You can avoid the disillusionment of "workshop high" and inflated claims that do not bear fruit by understanding clearly what a transformational modality can and cannot do, and by looking for its results instead of its promises.