How to Study with Us

There are four distinct ways you can benefit from this website: our classes, our coaching programs, our certification programs, and our public webinar program.

Our Classes

Our Introductory Class – the ITM (Introduction To Meditation)

This course is designed for those who have not meditated before, but who want to practice the rudiments of meditation without going into profound states of absorption in the Superconscious mind.

Our Intermediate Class – the AMP (Accelerated Meditation Program)

Those who wish to study with us, and make palpable progress on the Great Continuum of Consciousness and speed up their spiritual evolution, will want to begin your training with this course. This is a complete training in Integral meditation, and gives you all the tools you need to enhance your personal functioning, work out your life issues, and unfold your spiritual potentials.

Those taking this class usually have some background with meditation and entering an altered state of awareness. If you’ve never meditate before, you may want to consider taking the Introduction to Meditation Course first, so you can develop facility with moving your attention to selected focal points—this enables you to do the more advanced spiritual work we teach in the AMP.

Completers of the Intermediate Program can progress to our Advanced Class.

Our Advanced Class – The MACIM (The Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation)

This course builds on the foundation of the AMP, guiding students to explore the higher bands of the Great Continuum of Consciousness—the Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental levels. You learn meditation shortcuts, advanced meditation practice methods, and you travel to the highest level of consciousness, Satchitananda. This course includes an introduction into Kriya Yoga, advanced Jnana Yoga methods, methods to connect with the Mudrashram® lineage and much more.

Upon completion of the advanced class, there is additional training available:

Advanced Guided Meditation Program – The SPHSC (The Satsang Program Home Study Course)

This is a guided meditation program that progressively guides you to explore each of the bands of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, with supplemental study materials. It builds on your experiences in the MACIM, and broadens your experience with the different bands of the Continuum.

Advanced Consciousness Studies Program – The MCC (The Mudrashram Correspondence Course)

This is a complete study of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, starting with the waking state of awareness and moving up through every level of the mind. It describes, and gives you meditations to explore the Conscious mind, the Subconscious mind, the Metaconscious mind, and the Superconscious mind. It details every vehicle of consciousness and every Path, with a coordinate system to enable you to locate any focal upon the Continuum. Truly a masterwork, this is a comprehensive and unique consciousness studies program.

Coaching Programs

These are programs for those who wish to work on deeply personal and compelling life issues. For many of you, these issues get in the way of being able to meditate, and you need to resolve these problems before you can move forward in your life and advance spiritually. These include:

The Life Coaching Program

This program is designed for you to take charge of your life and your destiny, to overcome your limitations and fears, and actualize your personal potential.

Cult Recovery Program

This program is developed for those of you who might have grown up in an authoritarian religious family or who have been involved in a religious cult. This course guides you step-by-step in getting your life back, re-owning your choices, your ability to think and feel, and finding a consonant set of values who fit who you really are–not imposed on your from without.

Recovery from Dysfunctional Family Program

This program aims to assist you extricate yourself from the thralls of growing up in an abusive or dysfunctional family; to regain control of your own life; and to rebuild the skills that you didn’t learn growing up. It leads you to the place where you can make a new choice and set yourself free from the shackles of the past.

Recovery from Addiction Program

This program shows you how to get to the bottom of your addiction. It empowers you to make new choices in your life that allow you to function without the addictive patterns that are ruining your life.

Breakthrough Meditation Program

This program is only for our meditation students who are taking the Accelerated Meditation Program, the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation. It is not available to the general public. It drills down on common issues of meditators, and teaches them how to develop their inner senses, how to activate intuition and discernment, and much more.

Our Certification Programs

The Stress Reduction Consultant Certification Program

This is a complete training in how to do stress reduction consulting that includes theory, specific techniques drawn from meditation and hypnosis to relieve stress, and how to set up a business as a stress reduction consultant.

The Meditation for Therapists Certification Course

This course is a survey of meditation methods that have relevance for counseling and therapy. It shows you how to do the meditation and when and when not to use them. It leads to a certification as a Meditation for Therapists Certified Practitioner.

Our Public Webinars

These are a complete series of workshops and topical webinars that are available to the general public. Educational and inspiring, there are over 150 webinars in audio or video format that you can study, according to your interest. There are discounts available when you purchase these in packages.

These are designed both for those who are meditators and those who are not. They are for those who are studying our courses or taking our coaching programs, and those who are just interested in learning more about a particular topic.

There are additional webinars developed for those taking the ITM, AMP, and MACIM. These are available within each of these training areas, and can be utilized to augment their studies of their course materials.