Donate to Mudrashram®

Making a Donation to Assist Mudrashram®

Some of you have asked if you can help Mudrashram® financially. Yes you can.

You do need to know that we have not moved to non-profit status yet—we’ll let you know when we are officially non-profit and have the coveted 501 (c) 3—but until then, you can assist. So if you donate money, you may or may not be able to write it off on your taxes. [That’s a discussion you’ll need to have with your tax advisor.]

This being said, there are four areas where you can assist.

Two of them are already in place. Those of you who have gone to our legacy website know that we already have two areas where you can make a donation.

Donations for our Kundalini Syndrome Readings

As you might know, since 2006, we have been assisting people who have kundalini emergency syndrome and other kundalini problems. We have placed this on a donation basis for members of the meditation community. Many of you have made donations in different amounts, and for this we are grateful. We will continue to do this service. We will continue to accept donations for it.

Donations for our weekly webinars

We have been doing webinars for our students since October 2010. After some time, we also invited the general public to selected webinars. Your donations have enabled us to create our webinar training area.

Our On-line webinar Program

There are two types of webinars:

Topical Webinars – These 90-minute webinars are easily valued at $29 each—but we have been doing them for our active students—and the members of the general public who are shrewd, have been coming to these enlightening and thought-provoking webinars. You will be able to access these webinars at a substantial savings on this website.

In-Depth Webinars – The three to five hour webinars are complete classes. There are classes designed for the general public, and for our active students. Valued at $89 each, you will be able to partake of these webinars at a large savings on this website.

These webinars are now available on our new website. These will be available in our study areas.

Public Access Webinars – These webinars are open to everyone, and are available in the Public Webinar Access study area.

Introductory Level Webinars – These are available in the member area for the Introduction to Meditation Course study area. These are open to those who are actively taking this course on-line, or off-line with a certified Introduction to Meditation instructor—or those who have completed these programs.

Intermediate Level Webinars – These are available in the member area for the Accelerated Meditation Program study area. These are open to those who are actively taking this course on-line, or off-line by-mail distance learning program—or those who have completed these programs.

Advanced Level Webinars – These are available in the member area for the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation study area. These are open to those who are actively taking this course on-line, or off-line in one of our in-person training formats—or those who have completed these programs.

There are also webinars that are an integral part of our Coaching Programs and Certification Programs study area—these are included within your program.

Our Current Webinar Program

We are continuing to offer Light Sittings in a live webinar format, question and answer sessions, and webinars for our advanced students—those who have completed the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation. We will continue to offer webinars that will be of interest to the general public from time to time.

We have been able to continue offering these webinars because we have had some generous individuals, who see the value of these programs and want them to continue. These ones have made a donation, so we could continue to do them.

If you wish to make a donation for this purpose, you may do so, and we are grateful for your assistance.

This donation portal also exists as a convenience for those of you who want to join our paid webinars, and have had problems making your payments through the regular Pay Pal portal that is built into the registration process. Some of you who listen to our paid webinars with another person have been honest enough to pay for your participation, and appreciate your integrity.

Donations for our website development

We are growing. We have done a major, expensive revision to our website to make it easier for you to use, more responsive for your needs, and to allow you to communicate your needs and wishes to us more readily. So we are adding a new donation category for this purpose, so you can help us pay for the services to complete and maintain our new web site.

General Development Fund

As we grow, like any organization, we hope to put together an endowment for the future, so we can build the Mudrashram® Institute of the future to be even more responsive to the needs of our students, and for the general public who visit our website and utilize our library or other services.

Those of you who wish to donate to this general development fund, we also have made a new donation category.

Ashram Rehabilitation and Renovation Fund (ARRF)

Well, we have moved from Los Angeles, and Mudrashram® now has an ashram in a community in the high desert. It is much larger space than we had in Los Angeles—but it needs extensive repairs.

Among the projects you have helped us complete include:

Completed Projects

  • Remove dead trees and plants, plant a vegetable garden
  • Remove water rotted wood and replace with concrete boards and aluminum flashing to prevent further water damage
  • Repair doors and replace screens
  • Repair walls, window frames, and doors that have been water damaged
  • Remove rotted wood lattice and replace with a permanent roof or awning
  • Replace boards on porch which have been water damaged, sand and refinish. Build a new deck.
  • Replace deteriorated south-facing garden fence with a new fence.
  • Replace wind-damaged roofing tiles on west-facing side of roof
  • Remove weeds from front of the ashram: put down rock covering
  • Install outside lighting
  • Tile porch area to prevent rain and sun damage to flooring

Projects that are still pending include:

Projects for which We Need Your Help

  • Convert porch area into a extra room for a yoga studio and to allow additional students to schedule retreats and take intensive classes.
  • Replace damaged siding
  • Repair water damage to shed
  • Plant fruit trees and a trellis for grapes
  • Replace damaged fence in carport area and put up new fencing

Those of you who wish to donate for our ashram renovation projects, we also have made a new, separate donation category for it.

These links to make a donation by Pay Pal are in the table below.

Donate using Pay Pal

Donation for Webinar
Kundalini Syndrome Reading
Donations for Website Development
Donations for Mudrashram General Fund
Donations for Ashram Rehabilitation and Renovation Fund

Donate using Dwolla

Effective 9/30/18, Dwolla is discontinuing its web-based transfer platform, so we will no longer be able to accept Dwolla donations.