A Glossary of Meditation Terminology

For additional definitions of terms, also see our Glossary of Metaphysical Terminology



Adept - an individual who has united the Soul with the Monad, and reached completion of the Fifth Planetary Initiation.

Adept Master - an individual whose Monad has ascended into the Planetary Hierarchy, and ministers to humanity from that exalted station.

Adi Karma - the type of karma that is between the Soul and its origin.

Adi Sat Guru - a Master Teacher who has reached the highest realm of the Bridge Path, which is called Adi Sat Guru Desh or Nubiya. This teacher is also known as a Multiplane Master.

Agni Yoga - the Yoga system that teaches you how to use the Light to enliven and heal your body, and to let your Soul express through your body.

Agya - the commandment of a spiritual Master to a disciple. Through Agya, the Master reveals the Divine Will to the disciple. The deeper meaning of Agya is the establishment of an accepted discipleship relationship by connecting the Transpersonal Will of the disciple with the Divine Will.

Ahimsa - the practice of non-injury in thought, word and deed to other living beings.

Alaya - the highest octave of the Divine Will, the living force that animates the ensouling entity. Identifying where the Alaya is manifest will reveal your cutting edge of spirituality.

Aspirant - a seeker after spiritual knowledge. The aspirant typically reads spiritual books, attends seminars and lectures on meditation and spirituality, visits spiritual teachers, and learns techniques to meditate and pray. The great task of this aspect of spiritual development is to learn to unite with the Soul and to travel consciously through the inner vehicles and within the Planes of the Great Continuum of Consciousness.

Astral Body - a subtle body that sparkles with shimmering light that you experience in meditation. This subtle body embodies the faculties of subtle sensation and movement. You can learn to direct this body and travel to remote locations, which is called astral projection. You can also use it to travel back on the time track, and recall your past lives: this is called temporal regression. You learn how to activate the subtle sensory faculties of the astral body in the Vision Workshop, one of our in depth workshops. For more information about this topic, see the entry in our Glossary of Metaphysical Terminology

Astral Plane - known as the Grand Astral Plane, or Anda, this refers to the division of the Great Continuum of Consciousness above the Human Personality, or Metaconscious mind. It consists of four major parts, the Subtle Realm, the Planetary Realm, the Transplanetary Realm, and the Cosmic Sphere.

Astral Soul - the Fourth Octave of Being that ensouls the Cosmic Sphere. The octave beyond the Monad.

Attention - The focal point of awareness: many meditation techniques utilize focusing attention on discrete objects of meditation. Attention is called mind stuff, or chittam. When you collect attention at one point, it is called concentration. When you are aware of the content of awareness arising in the present time, when attention is fully collected, it is called mindfulness.

Attentional Principle - the principle of consciousness and intention that dwells behind the pituitary center of the chakras of the Subconscious mind. This is also referred to as Purusa, or the third eye. Raja Yoga activates this immortal aspect of consciousness. Through the practice of Direct Projection, you are able to travel in full consciousness through your inner vehicles and through the higher Planes.

Atma - another name for the Soul.

Atma Dwara - the door of the Soul located behind the Soul at the gateway to the Higher Unconscious. Swami Prem Dayal has appeared to meditators at this inner portal.

Attunement - the direction of energy by the attentional principle. Various types of attunements may be established. Mastery of these attunements is central to the practice of Agni Yoga. Different types of energy from the Spirit may be sent via attunement. For example, (1) the healing attunement (prana, or life force energy), (2) the love attunement (anchors the Holy Spirit or Comforter in the core of emotional pain), (3) the intuitive guidance attunement (inspires the human mind by connecting it to the Illumined Mind, or Buddhi), (4) the Divine Will attunement (reveals the Divine Will and Soul Purpose to the personality), and (5) initiatory attunements, which confer transformation of the ensouling entity, open the path of the Nada, or awaken the Kundalini Shakti. The seven mudras of the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation are examples of initiatory attunements.

Attunement Meditation - the practice of sending a beam of the pure, radiant Light of Spirit to the attentional principle of others, who in turn ministers it to other people. We teach attunement meditation in our Agni Yoga/ Attunement Meditation Workshop. We also incorporate attunement meditation into our Light Sittings.

Avatar - an advanced Initiate who incarnates the Divine Mind and Universal Life of God at one or more levels of the Great Continuum of Consciousness. It is also used as an honorary title to indicate someone who has attained Mastery in the Supracosmic Sphere. It is also used to designate the highest Initiate in the Third Transcendental Path.

Avidya - the Buddhist term for ignorance. Ignorance is at the root of greed, anger, and craving. It is overcome by mindfulness.


Bhajan - singing of chants or hymns used to worship and remember the Divine. In the Sant Mat tradition, this term is used to refer to the practice used to allow the spirit egress to the inner current of sound of the Nada in the Second Transcendental path.

Bhakti - the spirit's expression of devotion to God that manifests physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Bija Mantra - the transformational mantra. This spiritual seed is activated by repeating this mantra with intention.

Bodhisattva - a being who (1) stops short of final liberation and remains to spiritually minister to humanity, or (2) passes into liberation and returns in a new form to serve humanity in a new capacity. Those who use this second method have the ability to take on the karma of others and dissolve it in meditation.

Brahman - This form of God encountered in the First Cosmic Initiation has two forms.

The first form is called Nirguna Brahman. Yogi Preceptors of the First Cosmic Initiation regard this state of Voidness as the Unmanifest Being of God. Followers of the Yogi Preceptors view this state as the goal of their spiritual practice. Attained, it confers a Nirvana-like peace and blessedness upon the meditator. In this Voidness, Cosmic Consciousness is revealed in its essential nature above its coverings.

The second form is called Satya Brahman or Satchitananda Brahman. This is the fullness of the Godhead revealed upon the full opening of the thousand petaled lotus of the Cosmic Man. It is one nodal point below Nirguna Brahman. It confers great bliss upon the meditator, who feels complete oneness and union with God. Some meditation traditions call this attainment Self Realization or Nirbikalpa Samadhi.

Bridge Path - the first domain that crosses over into the Transcendental Sphere. It is a unique Path because this spiritual domain incorporates aspects of the Cosmic, Supracosmic and Transcendental Spheres, in effect, bridging between them. It is also referred to as the Path of the Gateless Gate, for unlike the other Paths of the Transcendental Sphere, there is no doorway that must be opened to gain egress to this realm. Several of the Multiplane Masters of the Mudrashram® lineage operate from the highest Planes of this Path. The Jewel of Alaya and the Alayic Divine Name can be found in the Transcendental portion of this Path.

Buddhi - the aspect of the Superconscious mind closest to the Soul. It is also called the Illumined Mind. Its function is discriminative wisdom.


Causal Plane - known as the Grand Causal Plane, this is the division of the Great Continuum of Consciousness above the Grand Astral Plane. It is also called the Supracosmic Sphere or Brahmanda.

Centering Mantra - a specialized word that helps you unite your attention with your Soul.

Centering techniques - seven techniques taught in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the Accelerated Meditation Program that help you unite your attention with the Self at the core of the Metaconscious mind.

Chela - the attentional principle. This term is used to indicate an individual with whom a Master has begun to establish a relationship of guidance, teaching, supervision and counseling, after the individual has learned to contact the Master within. In some traditions, this term is used to refer to the spirit who has similarly contacted the Guide form of the Master within.

Conscious mind - the state of mind that you inhabit during waking awareness. It is your present time experience of environmental and internal sensations, feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and awareness of impressions entering your mind.

Contemplative Mantra - a specialized word that helps focus your attention on your spirit.

Cosmic Master - an advanced Initiate who has evolved the Astral Soul into the Cosmic Hierarchy of Light.

Cosmic Sphere - the highest division of the Grand Astral Plane.


Daya - This means the mercy or the Grace of God. This term was formerly used to refer to the Superconscious Mind in this teaching.

Dharana - concentration, focusing attention on a single point and holding it there.

Dharma Yoga - the form of meditation that deals with living in harmony with your inner sense of truth and essential values.

Dhyana - contemplation, the awakening of awareness that occurs when the attention is concentrated at one point. Contemplation allows you to glimpse the inner content of your vehicles.

Dhyan Yoga - also called Guru Dhyan meditation, you meditate upon the Guide form of the spiritual teacher, who leads your attention into union with your Soul, and shows you the phenomena of the worlds of Light. This form of meditation is taught in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation, and in the Satsang Program Home Study Course.

Direct Projection - by focusing the attention upon the attentional principle, you can consciously move the attentional principle out of the body focus and visit the inner worlds.

Disciple - a meditator who is capable of forming a stable attunement with an Initiate, so that he or she can receive inner teachings from that Spiritual Teacher, and channel Light and Guidance emanating from that Teacher to others. This is the stage on the Path beyond the Aspirant: after much inner preparation, an Aspirant can be prepared to work as a disciple.

Domain - a band of the Great Continuum of Consciousness ranging from the ground state of the spirit through its Nadamic path to the spirit's origin. There are twelve domains that have been identified in this teaching.


Eckankar - a name used to refer to the Fifth Transcendental Path. A spiritual group which teaches techniques to access this path is called Eckankar®. They refer to the Nada in this realm as the ECK®; they refer to their Supreme Being as the Sugmaud. George A. Boyd has read books from this group and has contact with several of their teachers on the inner Planes in meditation.

Eight Petaled Lotus - this center, located in the Subconscious mind, is used in Guru Dhyan meditation. Those who learn this technique in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation or the Satsang Program Home Study Course commune with Swami Charan Das, who acts as their guide to the higher Planes. A higher octave of the eight petaled lotus center may be found on the second Transcendental Path—the ascending spirit meets the radiant form of the Sant Sat Guru at this higher center.

Emergence Phenomena - the variety of experiences which occur when attention is absorbed into the Unconscious mind. This may occur voluntarily using the opening technique, or spontaneously, such as when the Kundalini Shakti moves into the unawakened areas of consciousness.

Ensouling entity - the principle of Being, the atom of the Divine Presence within you. This is a broader term than Soul, as it refers to the Being Principle at all octaves of The Great Continuum of Consciousness.


Glossolalia - to speak in an unknown language. This is one of the emergence phenomena that occurs when the attention is absorbed in the unconscious, or the Kundalini Shakti moves into this zone of the mind.

Great Continuum of Consciousness - the comprehensive map comprising all levels of the Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious and Superconscious minds. This map is covered in great detail in the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course in Meditation. You may review the general features of the Great Continuum of Consciousness here. More detailed maps of the Transcendental Sphere may be viewed here.

Guru - We use this term to refer to a teacher who has attained Mastery in the Supracosmic Sphere.

Guru Dhyan Meditation - meditation on the astral or radiant form of the Guide. Also called Dhyan Yoga.

Guru Kripa Yoga - the form of meditation in which the Divine Light balances the Soul and its vehicles, and attunes the spirit to that same nodal point. This state of perfect balance confers initiation, or expansion of the potentials of consciousness at all levels.


Ida - the left hand channel in each vehicle that moves energy inwards when awareness awakens. It is called the Moon Current.

Illuminati - Also called the Master of Evolution or the Atlantean Adept, this being has gained Mastery over the Upper Subtle Realm.

Individual spirit - the living essence of love and virtue that travels the Nadamic path within to reunite with the Divine in its origin. This is your spiritual heart.

Initiate - an advanced meditator who has reached a universal station upon the Great Continuum of Consciousness, where a direct connection to God is achieved. In this exalted state of Being, the meditator is empowered to send the Light of Spirit to others, to bring Divine teachings to others, and to guide others into the Divine Presence.

Initiation - this single English word has several meanings.

Initiation (diksha) refers to the revealing of secret meditation techniques by a teacher.

It also refers to the unfolding of the potentials of consciousness at all levels (Samadhi) as a result of practicing a transformational method or receiving Light Immersion from a Master Teacher.

It also refers to the stage of spiritual development in a particular band of the Great Continuum of Consciousness (sanmarga), e.g., the First Planetary Initiation, the Second Cosmic Initiation, etc.

Integral Meditation - a system of meditation instruction that incorporates different aspects of spiritual development into a unified program.

Intention - the direction of thought or light by the attentional principle. Intention is the force that enables the attentional principle to travel through the inner realms in the technique of direct projection, and to empower the transformational mantra revealed in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and Accelerated Meditation Program.

Invocational methods - methods that are taught in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and Accelerated Meditation Program that enable you to use your Subconscious and Superconscious mind more effectively.

Ishwara - the name used to identify the form of God that empowers Yogi Preceptors. Also called the Lord of the Yogis.


Japa - To repeat a mantra aloud.

Jewel of Alaya - a center in the Transcendental portion of the Bridge Path that allows you to identify which of your ensouling entities are activated, and which is your spiritual cutting edge. This center is described in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation.

Jivan Atma – This term is used to refer to the Soul Spark, the ensouling entity of the Subtle Realm. At the culmination of your spiritual development, this spiritual essence reunites with the Soul, or Atma—the ensouling entity of the Planetary Realm.

Jnana Yoga - the techniques of meditation that assist you to obtain intuitive knowledge from your Soul.


Kanda - the seat of the Kundalini Shakti in the Subconscious mind. This center appears like a fiery sun within a triangle. A spiral of three and one half turns connects with it from below.

Kriyaman Karma - the type of karma that has to do with the direct consequences of thoughts, words and deeds. Overcoming this form of karma is achieved by activating successively higher octaves of volition until the individual will can be guided by the Divine Will.

Kriya Yoga - an advanced technique that activates the astral cerebrospinal axis of the vehicle of the First Cosmic Initiation. It is a transformational technique that awakens Cosmic Consciousness. In more advanced techniques, it also awakens the Astral Soul and Supracosmic Consciousness. A Kriya Yoga technique is taught in the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Kumara - the title of a being who has achieved Mastery over the Lower Subtle Domain. The Kumara is also an Office in the Cosmic Hierarchy of Light. Beings occupying this Office transmute and dissolve karma for multitudes in coordination with other Masters of the Cosmic Hierarchy.

Kundalini Shakti - the principle of energy that allows you to become aware of the higher vehicles beyond the Conscious mind, and enables those vehicles to operate. Fully awakened within the Planetary Realm, it reveals the nature of the Soul. It also operates in the Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental Spheres.

Kundalini Yoga - the meditation used to awaken the energy of awareness, which permits you to envision the content of your higher vehicles and to gain full awareness of the Soul.


Laya - the absorption of the attention in inner currents of energy. Seven types of Laya exist:

  1. (1) Jyoti Laya - absorption in the inner channel of light
  2. (2) Shabd Laya - absorption in the inner channel of sound
  3. (3) Amrit Laya - absorption in the inner channel of nectar
  4. (4) Prana Laya - absorption in the breath and current of life force
  5. (5) Kundalini Laya - absorption in the energy of the Kundalini Shakti
  6. (6) Kriya Laya - absorption into the spontaneous energy vortex created by the unfolding vehicles of consciousness during Initiation generated through using a transformational mantra or Kriya Yoga, or during the opening of the Nada by the spirit
  7. (7) Shakti Laya - absorption into the ray or beam of directed intention from an Initiate, who draws the attention into the inner realms.

Light Immersion - the attunement whereby an Initiate empowered by God sends to you the Light. This can unfold your Soul, awaken your kundalini, draw your spirit upward into the Nadamic Current, purify and refine your inner vehicles, lead your attentional principle into union with your Soul, or guide your attention into deep meditational absorption, depending on how this Light is directed to you. We call our Light Immersion meditation, Light Sittings.

Lineage - a succession or network of Initiates who carry out spiritual ministry.

The most common lineage is a historical succession (parampara). In this type, spiritual power from an ensouling entity that has obtained Mastery in one band of the Great Continuum of Consciousness is passed to another who has reached the same spiritual attainment.

In the other type, called a bodhisattvic lineage, Masters of different orders of spiritual development link their abilities together to establish a coordinated ministry. An example of this type of lineage is the Hierarchy of Light, in which Masters occupy offices with specific types of ministry, under the aegis of the Divine Will. The 12 Masters of the Mudrashram® lineage are also arranged as a bodhisattvic lineage, where Multiplane Masters of different levels function together seamlessly.


Mandala - an array of gods or goddesses around a central figure seen in Buddhist art. The simplest mandalas are constructed as a series of concentric circles within a square. Each successive concentric circle closer to the center of this figure represents a deeper layer of the psyche; the central figure, a center of integration.

Mantra Yoga - the meditation techniques that use a charged word or phrase to focus attention, to activate energy, and to unfold the potentials of consciousness.

Mastery - highest development in any band of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, where an Initiate is Divinely empowered to minister to you and guide you.

Metaconscious mind - the entire activity of the personality expressing the Self, comprising volitional, mental, emotional and vital functions.

Metavision - the seeing power of the attentional principle. When awakened and refined, this ability permits reading of the Jewel of Alaya and identification of the correct transformational mantra. It is also used in psychic readings. It allows you to see on the inner Planes.

Monad - the Third Octave of Being. When the Soul unites with this ensouling entity, you become an Adept.

Mudra - a hand gesture used in classical East Indian dance. In Hindu mythology, gods and goddesses are portrayed with many arms: each hand is held in a different mudra, which represents a spiritual power, or siddhi.

In this tradition, each of these mudras represent the transmission of a specific empowerment to you, which activates that principle within you. There are seven initiatory mudras in the Mudrashram® tradition. These are:

  1. (1) Kundalini Mudra
  2. (2) Nada Mudra
  3. (3) Mantra Mudra
  4. (4) Raja Mudra
  5. (5) Guru Kripa Mudra
  6. (6) Jnana Mudra
  7. (7) Agni Mudra

These seven mudras are transmitted to you during the sittings of the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation.

Mudrashram - the name of this Integral Meditation lineage of spiritual teachers.

Multiplane Master - a spiritual teacher who can work in all twelve spiritual domains. Multiplane Masters have the ability to liberate the spirit, the ensouling entity and its vehicles in multiple domains. They can also send the ensouling entity back into manifestation, take on the karma of others, and develop the ensouling entity along new lines. They are Sat Gurus, Masters of the Transcendental Sphere, whose ministry extends through all bands of the Great Continuum of Consciousness. Three types exist:

  1. (1) Sat Guru Bhagwan - this teacher's ensouling entity is established in the origin of the spirit—he can liberate the spirit and establish others in the same state of spiritual attainment.
  2. (2) Adi Sat Guru - this teacher has liberated his spirit and ensouling entity in multiple domains, and can re-manifest the ensouling entity or the spirit at will.
  3. (3) Mula Sat Guru - an Adi Sat Guru with the ability to establish a lineage of Multiplane Masters.

Muni - a saint who observes the austerity of voluntarily not speaking. This holy man or woman does communicate by writing, pointing out letters on an alphabet board, and using hand gestures. Avatar Meher Baba observed this vow.


Nada - inner channels that connect the spirit with its origin. Depending on the spiritual domain, there are one or more channels that the spirit must open. Up to four Nadamic channels exist within these spiritual domains. Most common are two channels of light and sound, but there are also channels of nectar and/or life force in some domains.

Nada Yoga - the methods of meditation that deal with awakening the spirit and guiding it to open the channels of the Nada.

Neophyte - an individual who is aware of only the Conscious mind, but has had an initial glimpse of a band outside of the Conscious mind. Examples of these experiences include astral projection (the temporary drawing up of the attention into the astral body), a spiritual peak experience where the individual is momentarily united with the ensouling entity, an inner felt-sense of the infilling and comfort of the Holy Spirit. These opening experiences start the inner quest for knowledge and communion with the Soul and the Divine that mark the Aspirant Stage of spirituality.

Nirat - the seeing power of the Soul. The term was formerly used in this teaching to refer to the attentional principle.

Nodal Point - the stable points on the Way of the Soul in which the ensouling entity dwells.

The ensouling entity unfolds to the next nodal point by using a transformational method (such as a transformational mantra). Opening the Path of the Nada in the Transcendental Sphere or Bridge Path also has a transformational effect, unfolding the ensouling entity to the next nodal point at these levels.

Nodal points can be found in the Superconscious mind from the beginning of the Subtle Realm through the highest Transcendental bands of the Great Continuum of Consciousness.

Nodal points are used as a focus for concentration in more advanced spiritual work such as is taught in the Satsang Program Home Study Course.

Nubiya - another name for the highest Plane of the Bridge Path, where Multiplane Masters perform their spiritual ministry. This Plane is also called Adi Sat Guru Desh.

Nucleus of Identity - A nucleus of identity is an inner center that is often mistaken for the ensouling entity. It is an integration center of the Superconscious mind.

It is a mental center as opposed to a spiritual essence, but it has the qualities of intelligence, discernment, understanding, perception, and retention of knowledge. In Yoga Philosophy, a nucleus of identity may be said to possess ahamkara (mental identity), buddhi (intelligence, discernment and understanding) and manas (perception and retention of knowledge).

It needs to be distinguished from Atma, the overshadowing ensouling entity in which dwells the atom of the Divine Presence.


Occult Adept - a being who has gained Mastery over the Lower Astral Plane, and can guide others through this dark and terrifying realm. This being has completed the five Occult Initiations.

Octave of Being - the array of 13 ensouling entities that occupy the pole of Being within you, depending on your state of spiritual evolution. These are the Soul Spark, the Soul (also called the Planetary Soul), the Monad, the Astral Soul, the Supracosmic Soul, the Soul of the Bridge Path, and the ensouling entities of the seven Transcendental paths.


Paramatma – Another name for the Monad. When your spiritual evolution is completed in the Planetary Realm, the Soul (Atma) is Liberated, and you reawaken as the Monad (Paramatma).

Perfect Master - an honorary title that refers to a being that has gained Mastery in the Transcendental Sphere. It also specifically refers to the five Initiates who make up the Qutubiat of the Third Transcendental Path. This stage of Initiation is one step below the Avatar in this realm.

Pingala - the right hand channel in each vehicle that moves energy outwards when awareness is awakened. It is called the Sun Channel.

Plane - see Spiritual Plane.

Planetary Realm - the second of the Divisions of the Grand Astral Plane. Much of the teaching of the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the Accelerated meditation Program is geared to familiarizing you with your Soul and its vehicles in this realm.

Pralabdha Karma - destiny karma, the aspects of karma that are worked out in human life. These patterns exist in the unconscious mind, and are not controlled by will or intention. These impressions are embedded in the physical etheric matrix that is the substrate for human life.

Prana - the life force that operates the sensory, motor, and physiological mechanisms of the body. When this current is completely withdrawn, the body dies. Partial withdrawal of the life force from the muscles results in relaxation; greater withdrawal, numbness and anesthesia; profound withdrawal, paralysis and immobility; full withdrawal, death.


Qutub - another name for Perfect Master or Sat Guru. This is the name used for a Perfect Master on the Third Transcendental Path. The five Perfect masters who occupy this Office during each cycle of time are collectively referred to as the Qutubiat.


Raja Yoga - the meditation techniques that train attention to become progressively aware of the content of its vehicles, the attentional principle, the spirit, and the overshadowing ensouling entity.

The more advanced practice of Raja Yoga, direct projection, which is taught in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the Accelerated Meditation Program, trains the attentional principle to leave the body focus, to travel through the inner realms, and to unite with the Soul.

Reincarnation - the doctrine that the Soul lives more than one life. In each life, the Soul animates a new physical body, constructs a new personality, and works out different karmic issues. The records of your former incarnations in this cycle of time can be viewed in the Akashic Ether of the Abstract Mind Plane.


Sadhana - the disciplined, regular practice of meditation techniques. One who practices meditation in this manner is called a sadhaka.

Saguna Brahman - the Being who rules over the Spiritual Evolutionary Plan for the entire physical universe at the top of the Transplanetary Realm.

Samadhi - union with the ecstatic consciousness of the Soul by the full awakening of the Kundalini Shakti combined with full absorption of the attention upon the Soul.

The term samadhi (small 's') is also used to refer to the flowing of energy to any focal point of concentration in Raja Yoga.

The term Samadhi (capital 's') has also utilized synonymously with Initiation, meaning the absorption of the ensouling entity into successive nodal points.

The two highest stages of absorption of the ensouling entity are (1) Sabikalpa Samadhi, where the ensouling entity is absorbed into a state of union with the Divine in a universal state of consciousness, which confers mastery over one band of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, and (2) Nirbikalpa Samadhi, where the ensouling entity reaches the seed of purpose and drops it, which results in Liberation.

Samyama - the free flowing of concentration, contemplation and absorption of energy that occurs during Raja Yoga practice.

Sant Mat - the philosophy and spiritual practices of the teachers of the Second Transcendental Path. One of George A. Boyd's teachers, Sant Darshan Singh, is from this tradition. This path emphasizes Nada Yoga practices, which allow the practitioner to contact the light and sound currents at this level of the Great Continuum of Consciousness. In Sant Mat, the technique to contact the light current is called simran, and the technique to contact the sound current is called bhajan.

Satchitananda - another name for the ensouling entity of the Seventh Transcendental path. This is the highest state of consciousness.

Sat Guru - an individual who has gained Mastery upon one of the Paths in the Transcendental Sphere.

Satsang - the inner voice of guidance and teaching that is awakened within you as you develop the potentials of your Soul.

Seven Rays - in the Hierarchy of Light, the primal energy of the Spirit is broken down into seven streams of intelligence by the Maha Chohan. These Rays are stepped down through the Chohans and the Masters, and radiated throughout the Creation. We study the Seven Rays in the our courses.

Shaivite - traditions anchored on the Shiva Plane of the Supracosmic Sphere. It refers to any group or sect that looks to Shiva, the Transformer in the Hindu Trimurthi, as the Supreme Being. Shiva is also spelled Siva in some traditions.

Shakti - the energy of the Divine that awakens the spiritual potentials of humanity. It is also called the Grace-Bestowing Power of the Divine, descent of the Holy Spirit, Light Immersion, Baraka, or Shaktipat.

Subplane - a finer demarcation of the Great Continuum of Consciousness than a Spiritual Plane. Several Subplanes are layered on each Spiritual Plane. Sometimes each Subplane will have a unique vehicle of consciousness in which the ensouling entity dwells; at other levels of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, all Subplanes of a Spiritual Plane will share the same vehicle. The major Planes and Subplanes are described in great detail in the Mudrashram® Correspondence Course.

Sushumna - the fine, central channel in each vehicle through which the Kundalini Shakti rises and descends.

Siddhi - an ability that is activated in the Superconscious field of the mind. These different abilities include the expression of the Soul's genius in human life, such as the gift of inspired musical ability or mastery of a scientific discipline. It may confer a heightening of inner sensing, expand intuitive knowledge, activate miraculous powers, and grant the ability to minister the Light to others.

Simran - the remembrance of the names and attributes of God by the attention. In the Sant Mat tradition, this term is used to refer to the practice used to allow the spirit egress to the inner current of light of the Nada in the Second Transcendental path.

Sinchit Karma - the type of karma that separates the spirit from its origin. This type of karma blocks the Nadamic channels.

Soul - the Second Octave of Being. It is also called the Higher Self, the Transpersonal Self, the Planetary Soul, or Atma. It is the ensouling entity of the Planetary Realm up to the Monad.

Soul Spark - the First Octave of Being. It is the ensouling entity of the Subtle Realm. It is also called Jivan Atma.

Spirit - used in its capitalized form, Spirit, this term refers to the primal essence out of which mind, energy, and matter were manifested. Masters unite with Spirit, and channel its energy to others to unfold their spiritual potentials, purify their vehicles, illumine their minds, and awaken their spirits.

Used in its lowercase form, spirit, it refers to the individual spirit.

Spiritual Guide - the astral form of a spiritual teacher that can be contacted at a discrete location on the inner Planes. The guide form may appear to the attentional principle or the spirit.

Spiritual Plane - a demarcation of the Great Continuum of Consciousness that can be delineated by certain unique phenomena that differentiates it from other Planes. The Great Continuum of Consciousness is divided into seven major Divisions: the Transcendental Sphere, the Supracosmic Sphere, the Cosmic Sphere, the Transplanetary Realm, the Planetary Realm, the Subtle Realm, and Human Personality. Each Division is further broken down into Planes and Subplanes, marked by unique phenomena.

Subconscious mind - the band of the mind that stores memory, organizes and processes experience, utilizes the faculty of imagination and visualization, and operates the subtle mechanisms of karma. It lies between the Conscious mind and the Metaconscious mind.

Subtle Realm - the first realm beyond the Human Personality, the first Division of the Grand Astral Plane.

Superconscious mind - the aggregate of the activity of the vehicles of the ensouling entity that operate on the Subtle Realm, Planetary Realm, Transplanetary Realm, Cosmic Sphere, Supracosmic Sphere, and Transcendental Sphere. These comprise the higher forms through which the love, wisdom, and power of the ensouling entity express.

Supracosmic Sphere - the Grand Causal Plane, the division of the Great Continuum of Consciousness above the Cosmic Sphere.

Surat - the hearing power of the Soul. This term was formerly used in this teaching to refer to the spirit.

Swa Dwara - the door of the Self. This is a portal to the Astral Planes of the Lower Subtle Band located behind the Metaconscious mind. Swami Prabhu Maharaj appears at this gateway to the Superconscious mind.

Swami - a title to indicate a teacher who is Self-Realized or Enlightened. In this tradtion, it is a title given to indicate that a teacher has joined the lineage and has attained Multiplane Master status.


Talent - an ability expressed by the Metaconscious mind, comprising mastery by the Self. With further study and practice, this ability becomes anchored in the Superconscious mind, where it can directly express the ensouling entity. This deeper development of ability is referred to as a gift, genius, a spiritual power or siddhi.

Tantra - a secret or esoteric spiritual practice known only to those who are confidentially instructed in its use.

There are a wide range of tantric techniques, which include physical postures (asanas); applying pressure to chakras through squeezing or striking (bandhas; sustained ritual coitus (maithuna); hand gestures (mudras); special breathing techniques (pranayama); use of elaborate visualizations, which may be combined with use of mantras; or secret methods to open the chakras and awaken the kundalini.

Tantric practices often work with the unconscious band of the mind. Practitioners of tantric practices commonly embrace a Dionysian, ecstatic approach to spirituality—they practice an experiential mysticism. Their mysterious jargon and their techniques are not comprehensible to those who have not initiated into the secret tantric practices of their sect.

Transcendence techniques - techniques that directly utilize the Superconscious mind. They allow you to transcend the personality. They include Kundalini Yoga, Nada Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Guru Kripa Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Agni Yoga.

Transcendental Sphere - the highest band of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, also called Parabrahmanda.

Transformation - the act of moving the ensouling entity from one nodal point to the next is called primary or essential transformation.

Other secondary types of transformation can bring about perceptual, cognitive, functional, and behavioral changes. These secondary types of transformation can be be facilitated by psychotherapy, hypnosis, and meditation techniques.

But the essential transformational change that occurs at the level of the ensouling entity and its vehicles is fundamental and necessary for spiritual growth.

Essential transformation can be brought about by transformational techniques such as bija mantra, Kriya Yoga, Nada Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga. Essential transformation is also produced by Translation, or Light Immersion.

Transformational Mantra - also called bija mantra, this is a word that unfolds the spiritual potentials of the ensouling entity.

Five types exist that effect the ensouling entity:

  1. (1) Planetary Divine Name
  2. (2) Cosmic Divine Name
  3. (3) Supracosmic Divine Name
  4. (4) Transcendental Divine Name
  5. (5) Alayic Divine Name.

Teachers of the Mudrashram® lineage use the Alayic Divine Name, which unfolds the ensouling entity on the spiritual cutting edge, ensuring balanced spiritual development.

Translation - the directed attunement by an Initiate that unfolds the ensouling entity and its vehicles. It is also called Shaktipat, Light Immersion, descent of the Holy Spirit, or Baraka.

Tratakam - using intention to direct the attention in specific ways. You will learn one of the tratakam techniques in this class. More tratakam methods are taught in the advanced class.

Trimurthi - the threefold Godhead portrayed in Hinduism. It consists of Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, the Sustainer; and Shiva, the Transformer.

Turiya - the state of Enlightenment, the fourth state of consciousness beyond waking, dream, and sound sleep states. This state occurs when your attention unites with your attentional principle and you awaken within as consciousness itself.

Mastery of the Turiya state confers the ability to be inwardly awake during sleep (lucid dreaming), while crossing the unconscious mind (yoganidra) and ultimately, during sound sleep and after death.


Udgit - the opening of the Nadamic channels by the spirit. This technique has also been referred to as Surat Shabd Yoga or Nada Yoga.

Unconscious mind - the unawakened aspects of mind in which karma is stored. It appears as the field of darkness outside the perceptual field of light and consciousness. It can be found behind the vehicles of the ensouling entity in each band of the mind. Another strata of the unconscious mind can be located in the unopened channels of the Nada. The unconscious mind contains the raw material that is transformed by spiritual techniques.


Vaisnavite - traditions anchored on the Vishnu Plane of the Supracosmic Sphere. It refers to any group or sect that looks to Vishnu, the Sustainer in the Hindu Trimurthi, or any of the human incarnations of Vishnu (Rama, Krishna) , as the Supreme Being.

Vehicle of Consciousness - the forms utilized by the ensouling entity in the Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious bands of the mind. These comprise the awakened aspects of the mind, as opposed to the nescience of the Unconscious mind. Another name for a vehicle of consciousness is swarupa, which means a form of the Self.

Viveka - the process of discerning the essential nature of your ensouling entity in Jnana Yoga.


Will - the principle of volition that controls the inner vehicles.

  • The lowest octave of the will is anchored in the ego, and is referred to as willfulness, rebellion, or desire-driven will.
  • The next octave of the will is anchored in the etheric body of the Metaconscious mind, links the activity of the Metaconscious and Subconscious minds, and governs habit.
  • The third octave of will rules the entire personality, and is referred to as choice, goal-setting, self-direction, the skillful will, or the intelligent will.
  • Several higher octaves of will operate in the Superconscious mind. These Superconscious octaves of will are coordinated by the Transpersonal Will of the Soul.

Will of God - the highest octave of the Will that is revealed fully in the Monad. It

  1. (1) enlivens the Soul (Alaya)
  2. (2) gives purpose to the Soul and reveals its mission and Ray (Hukum)
  3. (3) attunes the Transpersonal Will with the Divine Will, conferring the state of discipleship (Agya)
  4. (4) creates the state of balanced and harmonious development in the Soul by attuning it perfectly to a nodal point (Guru Kripa)
  5. (5) transmits the spiritual energies that confers initiation upon the Soul (Shakti)
  6. (6) gives guidance to the personality to perform right action (Dharma)
  7. (7) empowers the spirit or attentional principle of a disciple to carry out a specific ministry (Dhana)

Wish – The conative or volitional ability of the spirit.


Yantra - a series of nested geometrical figures used for advanced concentration exercises. The best known of these yantras is called Shri Yantra, which consists of a central dot surrounded by seven arrays of interlaced equilateral triangles, within a square. In the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation, you learn to meditate on the Siddhi Yantra, which reveals to you the abilities of your Soul.

Yoga - this term means union of the attention with the ensouling entity. It has come to mean any methods or techniques that systematically unites the attention directly or progressively with the ensouling entity.

Yoganidra - a method for exploring the entire band of the Unconscious mind. Whereas the technique of opening lets you pass over the threshold, yoganidra is a progressive immersion in the Unconscious mind that leads the attention to the other side of this veil of darkness, and to cognize the contents of this zone in full consciousness. It is taught in the Mudrashram® Advanced class in Meditation.

Yogi Preceptor - an Initiate who has gained Mastery at the level of the First Cosmic Initiation. Many seekers believe that these are teachers of the highest order, but in fact, there are many stages of Mastery beyond this level. These teachings speak of Brahman as the highest stage of spirituality, and Ishwara as the Supreme form of God.